Undertaking a Paiige Fitness Pro Transformation

When most people hear the word ‘transformation’ they instantly think of crash diets, short term weight loss and drastic results. This is what the fitness industry portrays as a transformation, but it’s an unhealthy and unsustainable one. Working with Paiige Fitness, the word means something else. A transformation is all about sustainability and creating healthy lifestyle habits that last, whilst still getting the results you want.

There are three fundamental pillars that you need to consider when undergoing a transformation; training, nutrition and lifestyle. All three of these aspects will undergo a major shift so that you can get from A to B. With that in mind, I’ve put together a cheat sheet so you know how to make your transformation go as smoothly as possible.


This might sound odd, but training is the easy part. Instead of worrying about what you should be doing in the gym and whether it’s working, I’ll be designing and implementing a training programme that will get results. When you’re training with me we’ll be focused on technique execution and making sure your training intensity is right so that you can be confident training alone.

Consistency – The single most important aspect of any transformation is consistency. This is in all areas, but especially when it comes to training. If you want results then you need to be resistance training a minimum 3 times per week. On top of this, cardiovascular activity is essential and you will be asked to do this outside of training sessions, so start thinking about your favourite methods of cardio.

Progressive overload – Another crucial factor when it comes to training is progressive overload. This is a principle of continually increasing the demand placed on the musculoskeletal system to increase muscle strength and size. Without progressive overload your training won’t advance. With this in mind, although training will get easier, don’t expect it to be easy, you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.


For most people, nutrition is the hardest element of undertaking a transformation because it’s the area where you have the most options available and you need to be aware of it 24/7. Unlike exercise, you don’t just do an hour and leave each day. You always need to be mindful of what you’re putting into your body and how you fuel yourself to get to where you want to be.

Preparation is key – One of the easiest ways to fail is by not being prepared. You’re much more likely to get a takeaway if the fridge isn’t full. Likewise, if you’re out and about and are prepared with healthy snacks, you’re less likely to be tempted by sugary snacks that could send you off course. You need to be prepared with your food, that means planning and prepping meals for the week, making sure the kitchen is packed with options that will help you get results. Start thinking now about the time you can put aside each week to get batch cooking.

Get rid of the word ‘diet’ – The word ‘diet’ has a lot of negative connotations, and rightly so. For years it’s been used to sell quick fixes that don’t give lasting results. A diet also usually consists of removing something from your life and therefore depriving yourself which isn’t sustainable. This is why you need to make it a lifestyle, not a diet. Incorporate healthy nutritional habits that will get sustained results. Before you start a transformation, you need to have the mindset that you are adding to your life, not taking anything away.


Like I said earlier, working with me getting results is important, but only if they’re sustainable. It will have an impact on your lifestyle and you need to know how to make those changes long-lasting.

Balance – With a transformation sacrifices will have to be made, if it was easy then everyone would do it. But that doesn’t mean it has to be all doom and gloom because otherwise you won’t last. No transformation is worth giving up the things you enjoy, so working with me we’ll figure out a strategy so you can go through a sustainable transformation whilst enjoying a social life.

Shifting your mindset – This is going to be as much a mental transformation as it is a physical one and you need to be prepared for that. You’re going to come up against some hard truths, and it’s going to be your mind telling you to stop, not your body. So, before undertaking a transformation, make sure you have the headspace and mindset to implement a new challenge into your life.

Are you ready to take your training to the next step? Get in touch today and we can discuss working together 🙂

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