Hands up if you’ve ever hated your thick thighs
I know I’m not the only one. How many of you have spent hours scrolling through social media wishing you looked like the girls on there with a ‘thigh gap’ and slimmer legs? Because I definitely have.
The media has been portraying slim as sexy and has left women with thick thighs feeling unconfident and ashamed of their bodies. And I, like many, have spent years hating my body because it wasn’t what I thought of as ‘perfect’. But then things changed. In reality, I didn’t have the energy to hate my body anymore, it was tiring and causing unnecessary stress and anxiety in my life. Instead of trying to make myself slimmer I adjusted my mindset to love and appreciate the incredible things my body does.
Stop chasing perfection
The reality is, no one is perfect and you know that. There is no one perfect body because everyone has different outlooks and perspectives on what they view as perfect or attractive. So the first step to accepting your body is by rejecting perfection.
Social media is the prime culprit in making us feel bad about ourselves. So, next time you’re scrolling through Instagram, unfollow accounts that make you feel bad about yourself. Of course it’s great to take inspiration, but question whether the accounts are motivating you or making your own body your enemy.
Strong is sexy
Every body is beautiful, it’s the differences that make each one as amazing as the other. You should embrace the strength your body has . If you’ve got big thighs, great! Use that strength to build strong, powerful and incredibly sexy legs. Every part of our body has a function and as women we have been built to be strong (I mean we can grow tiny humans, how incredible is that?!) so you should use that strength, be proud and flaunt it.
Include strength training into your workout programme and put your muscles to use. Aim to be a stronger, healthier version of yourself rather than being skinnier.
Health is the most important thing
What’s the best way to love your body and look after it? Keeping it healthy. Although it’s great to embrace your body, you need to take care of it and you’ll give yourself the best chance of body confidence.
How do you look after your body? Keep fit by exercising regularly, lift weights and build a stronger and more robust version of yourself. Eat a balanced diet filled with fruit, vegetables and a sufficient amount of protein. Sleep and stress levels are also incredibly important when it comes to looking after your body. If you’re in a state of constant fatigue you’ll feel sluggish and find it harder to train and eat well.
Do you need support on building your confidence and setting up a structured workout plan, so you can push your body to the limit? Email me at hello@paiigefitness.co.uk and send the words ‘LET’S WORK TOGETHER’ and I’ll be in touch x